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“How To Be Made Whole” is Officially Released!

“How To Be Made Whole” is Officially Released!

We are excited to let you know that “How To Be Made Whole” is officially released!  You can get it on Amazon (click here) OR our website (click here).

We would love for you to share this with anyone that you know need Good News!  We are thrilled that thousands of people will get to hear the Gospel through the life of our daughter.  Who would have ever thought this was possible 18 years ago??!!  We were facing a tremendous impossibility for her to simply live (much less preach all over the world).    While in Cuba several years back, I was listening to a young man thank me over and over for sharing her story. I distinctly remember God whispering to me over his shoulder, “Kennady is speaking all over the world.”   The message keeps going out!  We are loved and accepted by God… right now!  (before we get it all together)

Once you read the book, it will be very helpful for you to rate and/review on Amazon or other online stores.

Have you checked out our podcast yet?  Erica and I have posted six episodes already on a variety of helpful topics.  It’s a raw and real conversation with no script!  It gets quite funny at times.  We hope people are encouraged and entertained. 🙂 You can search for the Made Meaningful podcast anywhere you get podcasts or click here!

We love you guys so much! Thanks for being our family.  We find so much strength from you.

Robin (and Erica and Kennady)

How To Be Made Whole – Foreword

How To Be Made Whole – Foreword

I was completely honored when Randy Phillips agreed to write a foreword for my book.  Of course, I have known Pastor Randy all of my life, and I currently work with him and his network of churches.  For years,  I have been amazed at his ability to craft a phrase, sentence, sermon, song…anything with words.

Here is what Randy Phillips had to say about this journey:


Many of us believe that life is formulaic. Especially, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ. In other words, if I accept Jesus Christ into my life and live righteously according to Biblical principles, I will live a life unscathed. Untouched by tragedy. Robin and Erica Steele would fit that assumption perfectly. They grew up in my church. Full of integrity and love for God. They came from amazing parents who helped start our church, fund the church, and brought many lost souls to grow the church. Robin and Erica perfectly fit the life that we would want everyone to have. He became our student pastor, then our children’s pastor and, ultimately, they became lead pastors of a thriving church in San Marcos. Perfect life. All the boxes were checked…and then.

Everybody gets an “and then.” The email, the phone call, the summons to the doctor’s office, the boss asks you to step into his office.

I will never forget getting a call from Robin Steele to inform me his daughter had been born. His tone was measured and mature—very unusual for such exciting news. On the other hand, I was over the moon for Robin and Erica—their first precious baby was here. I was a bit taken aback by Robin’s tone in light of this amazing event so I asked the question, “Is everything ok?” In the same mature, matter-of-fact tone, Robin’s answer broke my heart. Denise and I immediately drove to the hospital. Amid the tears and the hugs was the presence of the Holy Spirit. Peace that passes all understanding.   If God ever entrusted a couple with a special gift, he found the right ones. We have watched how Robin and Erica have walked this road with grace given by God to encourage others who have experienced pain.

Robin Steele’s HOW TO BE MADE WHOLE touched my heart and changed my mind. I could not put the book down. All of us are desperate for wholeness. With practical steps and storytelling that will touch your soul, you will thank yourself for reading and absorbing the testimony of Robin and Erica Steele.

I’m so proud of Robin and Erica, their flourishing church, their friendships and their impeccable character.

Randy Phillips, lead pastor of Life.Family,




The Most Important Thing to Look at Right Now

The Most Important Thing to Look at Right Now


By: Erica Steele

I love movie analogies. I am such a hands on, visual learner. I have always loved the Never Ending Story. It was one of my childhood favorites, right up there with PeeWee’s Big Adventure and The Princess Bride. Movies and music speak to us in such poignant ways that words can sometimes jumble up.

This moment (I hope you watched that clip above) in The Never Ending Story really jumped out at me today. This season we are in has been difficult all around. The country, world, community, it all feels really big and overwhelming.

In the midst of all of this, we have had some personal things that have been challenging. People acting in ways that have been hurtful, or saying things that have been hard to hear.

I am, by design, (and by enneagram assessment 😜) a person who wants (and needs) resolution. I’m not a faker and I can’t just pretend everything is “ok” if it isn’t. There are exceptions to this, as with anything. For example, if I have tried to make some sort of attempt at a resolution and it is rejected…game over. I can set a firm boundary in my heart and mind and move on (mostly, unless they want to be friends 😂)

During this season I was reminded of a time when I was confronted with my behavior, attitude, and how I was harmful with the way I communicated. My “mirror gate” moment.

It was crushing to me. I spent a lot of time beating myself up and wondering why anyone would want to be my friend or know me for that matter (seriously, those were my very thoughts. Not just being self deprecating here). I turned inward and prayed about it. I asked God to help me see the ugly side of myself and help make me better because it was clearly out of my grasp. I didn’t want to walk around harming people! It was a life changing moment.

God used that hurtful time (words that were honestly spoken out of retaliation) to bring awareness to my ugly side. Let me be clear here, it was a moment of awareness and healing, but certainly didn’t bring about perfection. I still have a tendency to be too harsh with my words and emotions. In that moment, someone held a mirror before me and I saw my anger, hurtful ways, and selfishness. In this season of dealing with tough things and people being self absorbed and hateful, It really brought my thoughts back around to this question.

Have you ever held the mirror for someone?

If you have, I feel pretty sure they felt like screaming and running away in that moment. Ok, maybe that person doesn’t end up running away screaming, but after that they definitely leave you on “read”. Not calling anymore. Faking a “hey it’s so good to see you!…😒”. Seriously, I have been the one left on “read”. We have been dealing with some really tough things. Things that have left me feeling the need to hold up the mirror in front of someone and say “do you see what I see? Do you know your behavior is hurting others?”

What if you are the mirror?

What’s it like when you tell someone their behavior is hurtful and have them walk away and have a finger pointing back at you? (Maybe even one very specific finger).

It cuts deep. It makes your heart hurt.  When we speak truth to a situation, we always hope that it will be happy rainbows and unicorn fluff in the end! Hoping that person(s) will wake up and actually see themselves.

However sometimes people don’t want resolution. They definitely didn’t want to see where they are not being honest, hurting someone, or being selfish.

I really really REALLY want resolution in relationships. Really. It tears me up to feel rejected and not have things made right. I have had to learn to pray and ask God to take the situation and bring healing. Help me to let go of things and not “have to” make them right. That is simply where I find rest. No one can force another person to see their point of view. I don’t have control over how others respond, but I can control where my I allow my hope to rest.

My hope is in Christ alone.

That is where I find rest and healing when I am staring at all my brokenness in a mirror, or when I have held the mirror and seen someone run the other way. God is such a faithful friend. He doesn’t leave us broken and hopeless, but gently leads us toward him and shapes us in His image. What better gift for someone who is so broken, than for a loving Savior to rescue them and offer hope regardless of the situation. If we seek God together, he is faithful to make all things right.

“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭27:17‬ ‭ESV‬‬


“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬


“This is how I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:23-24‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Words Hurt. The Word Heals.

Words Hurt. The Word Heals.

“Well, she didn’t really ‘graduate’,” he replied with a smirk.

That was the phrase that brought our graduation celebration to an abrupt halt. Literally, brought us to tears and anger. It came from a close family member while telling him about Kennady’s latest miracle of going through 15 years of the public school system. Life is hard enough without words (from family members) making it harder. Yes, we know that she didn’t get a 4.0. Yes, we know that she didn’t get first chair in the band. She actually failed at accomplishing many of the goals we set in all of those ARD meetings. What does all of that mean?

The main issue with these words is that they tie directly back to the words of the doctor a few days after Kennady was born. The doctor’s words were, “their daughter will not have a meaningful life.” This recent proclamation was, “she didn’t really graduate.” What this really says is, “Her finishing school doesn’t really matter.” or “She didn’t really do anything.” DUH! Do we really need to hear that? As parents, we are actually experts on every detail of Kennady’s life. We know exactly what she does or does not do.

I’m sure that everyone reading this blog will jump to our defense and say that these statements are harsh. We love that you will support us in this moment. We do benefit from your affirmation.

But… let’s stop for a second and look deeper below the surface…

The doctor should not have used those words right after birth. This family member should not have used these words last week. However, both are a symbol of how humans view what matters. These words show something that we all wrestle with internally. How will I matter? How can my life mean something? What do I actually have to do to have other people say that I matter?   The answer:  It depends on who you ask. The answer is subject to who is answering… who is saying the words.

Who is saying the words? Whose words mean the most?

It is really tough when the words come so fast and so often from people we are supposed to trust (doctors) and respect (family). Yet, we still have a choice. When people’s words anger, sadden, or confuse us, we have to choose if we will receive and believe them. We are faced with the brutal process of fighting through the emotion and finding the truth. Are the words true? Sometimes tough words are true and we must accept them.

However, we often accept lies. We hear them, believe them, and live our life based on them. The only way to pierce that darkness is with a sword. There is a sword available that is super sharp, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.  The sword is THE Word. (Hebrews 4:11-12 NLT)

The only way to combat ugly words is with THE Word. The Bible says that “the Word” has existed from the very beginning, nothing was created except through him. The Word gives LIFE and LIGHT to everything and everyone. The Word brings light in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it. (John 1:1-5 NLT)

The Word that the Bible talks about includes the words of the actual Bible, but The Word is more than that. The Word is Jesus.  Reading and meditating on the words of the Bible introduces us to the author. The Word is eternal and absolute. We can stand on this firm foundation. We hide under him. We can weather the storm with him. If things in this life are troubling and seemingly impossible, his Word will be the final word.

Who do you know that needs The Word today? Not a word that will judge or condemn, but a word that will bring light and life. Let’s pray for them. Let’s listen to them.  Let’s hold them.

Let’s BE THE Word that they need to hear.  Let our words heal.