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Erica strikes again! Well, thankfully she didn’t literally strike.  I might be visiting her in jail if that were the case.  Anyway, we drove up to Kennady’s school a while back to drop her off and there was a police car parked illegally.  He was not just in the handicapped spot but in the striped, unloading part of the space.  (we require this striped part since we have a ramp) So what does she do?  She marches into the school to find the officer.

To make a long story semi-short…he finally walks out of the building and  Erica confronts him on the sidewalk.  She explains the dilemma of daily needing the spot and people are illegally parked there.  Then to come and the people that are supposed to help you are parked in the same spot!  He is embarrassed and promises to help out.

Moral of the story: don’t park illegally in handicapped spaces and don’t mess with Erica!