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This is the tenth installment in a series of posts straight from our journal (handwritten).  When we first received the difficult diagnosis for our daughter (still in the womb), we immediately started journaling.  Click here to start reading Journal from the beginning. Here is what we said:

DAY Nine – October 3, 2001 – (Robin)

God is giving us more strength.  People at church know and many are emailing and talking to us at church.  Erica is starting to feel more fatigue due to pregnancy. She is going to have to take it more easy.

The weather is so beautiful outside.  It has been a reminder of God’s goodness and faithfulness.  We live in Grace and God’s presence is represented in the consistency of nature. (the sun always comes up)

Life is feeling more normal.  The shock is wearing off.  We have seen so many doctors; it is crazy.

We need to talk to the Master Physician more.


2013 Commentary
I remember leaving college finals thinking I had failed or did really bad.  As I left the building, I would see the brilliant clouds, green leaves, and crisp air.  The consistency of nature reminded me of how little I am and how much God is still in control.  Sometimes, it feels like you are the center of the universe and all of your struggles will somehow sink the rest of the world too.  In reality, everything else continues to roll on…and so will you. (Thanks, Jesus)

Read the next installment

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