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book reading often happens in this sweet spot

book reading often happens in this sweet spot

Lately, my (Robin) favorite part of the day is the sweet spot right before the kids get in bed and right after the bedtime preparations have been made. The bedtime preparations part is usually BRUTAL. Homework done, dinner, Baths, PJs, brushing teeth, meds. That can often be like fighting dinosaurs. We have been trying to get that done a little earlier so that we have a few minutes before the kids actually crawl into the bed.

The kids have their pajamas on, their breath is fresh, they are getting sleepy.

This past Christmas, Erica and I casually got them an indoor basketball hoop. Little did we know how BIG of a success that would be. It easily is the favorite and most used gift of the year. We spend some quality time at the hoop each night before they are tucked in.

Here is a clip of me teaching Jude how to post up. If you are an actual basketball player, please keep in mind that I am 5’7″ and have actually never posted up on anyone myself. Jude will need some more accurate training at some point.