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This is the Eleventh installment in a series of posts straight from our journal (handwritten).  When we first received the difficult diagnosis for our daughter (still in the womb), we immediately started journaling.  Click here to start reading Journal from the beginning. Here is what we said:

DAY Fifteen – October 9, 2001 – (Robin)

Erica and I are doing well.  We are living on pure faith.

The evidence of what we can’t see.

It is the substance or item that we hope for.

We have learned what faith is by this experience.  We truly are no longer worried about our baby’s condition.  Ever once in a while we get a depressing thought but it comes and goes.

We don’t dwell on negativity.  

We are living on the Holy Spirit.  We feel God sustaining us and giving us strength to make it.  Yet, the baby’s condition has not changed to our knowledge.  I have started to exercise regularly and this has helped me personally.

2013 Commentary
This seems like such an easy concept, but it doesn’t present itself without a difficult situation.  Negativity shouts like madman! Faith is a quiet, strong, consistant winner.  What will you pick today?

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