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We got home Sunday. It took about 3 hours to unpack the RV and clean it out.

We started thinking about all the stats of our trip. Here are some numbers:

3107 miles
388 gallons of gas (we will let you do the math on $$)
282 hours not wearing socks
4 hours wearing socks (church)
9 states

3 nights in parking lots
3 nights in state parks
2 nights in RV park
4 nights at friends homes

4 pastors visited in 4 states
1900+ blog visitors
1 sermon preached
38 families at HoPE conference
7 loads of laundry
1 clogged toilet
1 set of keys lost
1 beach day
3 museums
1000s of priceless memories

We are so thankful to our church family for sending us and allowing us to be gone on this journey.

We are grateful to the Krauss family for watching our perro!

Naghma (our awesome neighbor) helped us keep our house together.  Thanks, Naghma.

Mike Hollifield cut our grass while we were gone. Much thanks!

Thanks to Advanced RV Rentals for giving us such a deal on the RV. It has been so helpful to travel with Kennady this way.

Check in tomorrow. We will post a video tour of the RV sweetness.