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kennady_steele_holoprosencephaly_alobarOn Mother’s Day, I (Erica) woke up with a heavy heart.   Honestly, I have had a heavy heart for the last three days.

Thursday, we went to a pre-op visit for Kennady.  It is usually pretty routine.  

You register, get blood work done, get the run down of all the really bad stuff, and head home.

This visit threw a boulder into my little calm pond.  The reality of the risks.  

Are we making the right decision?  Are we doing what is best for her?  Is this how God would have us care for her?  

A nice neon sign would be great right about then.

I felt the weight, once again, of this journey.  The weight of making decisions that can affect the outcome and quality of our child’s life.  It’s a big thing, this making decisions on behalf of someone else.  

I feel worried when they say, “maximally invasive”, and “she will likely need a blood transfusion”.   Those things feel big.  

It strips us of the control we think we somehow have.

It puts a glaring light on the “what if”, and makes you keenly aware of how little control you have.  

Kennady had a surgery that went south, a year and a half ago.  The surgery was difficult and six weeks later we had to have the mechanism removed, due to infection. 

Those experiences begin to shape us, reminding us again, that you can be the 1%.  

The truth that I keep having to repeat to myself, even if I don’t have it embedded in my heart, is the truth that God is still good, no matter the outcome.  He has a plan for every step, and when I lay that all before him, I can trust that he is enough.

Here is an actual pic of Kennady's spine. It is on a 74 degree angle.

Here is an actual pic of Kennady’s spine. It is on a 74 degree angle.

The surgery Monday is to correct her scoliosis.  It is a complete spinal fusion.

We will wake up at 5 a.m. and make some coffee, get our girl ready, and head to the hospital.  

The surgery is scheduled to take up to 8 hours.  She will be in the hospital for a minimum of 5 days.  

We would appreciate your prayers for as smooth a surgery and recovery as possible. 

We will post updates here on the blog!

 We love and appreciate all of you.